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Bother QL-710W, QL-720NW and QL-820NWB Wi-Fi setup on windows

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  1. Plug your printer into your computer using the provided USB cable and turn on the printer
  2. Visit Brother download page for QL-710W  or  Brother Download Page for QL-720NW or Brother Download Page for QL-820NWB depending on your printer.
    Download The Printer Driver and the  “Printer Setting Tool“:
  3. Install the printer driver that you downloaded
  4. Run the Printer Setting Tool that you downloaded in step 4, and press the “Communication Settings” button:
  5. Open the “Wireless Lan” tab, click on “Wireless Settings”, and press “Search”
  6. Select the WiFi network you want your printer connected to.
    This should be the same network that the SmartLobby Visitor App is going to be connected to.
  7. Enter the wifi password in the necessary box and hit “Apply”
  8. The wifi light on the printer will turn solid green once it’s connected and has obtained an IP address.

Your printer is now connected to the Wi-Fi network in Infrastructure mode and ready to be used by SmartLobby Visitor